Chef Miguel Arcanjo – Student of the Year Award 2019 Umme Hani Shaikh – The proud recipient of a prize she bagged at the “Chef Miguel Arcanjo – Student of the Year Award 2019”
Promoting the culture of life The Don Bosco College, Panaji, Goa, in collaboration with the National Institute of Social Defence, New Delhi conducted a “One Day Sensitization programme on Drug abuse prevention” and organized a Poster making competition on the above topic on the 23rd of March 2017. Our students Ms.Rucha Khare and Mr. Krishna …
The President of the Fomento Educational and Charitable Society, Mrs. Anju Timblo addressed the students of the College on the 25th of October 2016 sharing useful pointers and valuable advise for budding aspirants in hospitality . The event also witnessed a display of talent and conferring of Awards
Students at the Semana da Cultura Indo – Portuguesa – Goa 2015 A celebration of Indian and Portuguese culture including art, cinema, music, cuisine, theatre, literature and food ended with a two day Food and Musical Festival, at whichthe College put up a stall ensuring students gained valuable exposure.